Tales from the Darkside: The Movie

Tales from the Darkside The Movie is a 1990 American horror anthology film directed by John Harrison, and based on the anthology television series Tales from the Darkside. The film depicts a kidnapped paperboy who tells three stories of horror to the suburban witch who is preparing to eat him, la Hansel and Gretel.

The movie opens with Betty, an affluent suburban housewife and modernday witch Deborah Harry, planning a dinner party. The main dish is to be Timmy Matthew Lawrence, a young boy whom she has captured and chained up in her pantry. To stall her from stuffing and roasting him, the boy tells her three horror stories from a book she gave him, titled Tales from the Darkside.In the first segment, Michael McDowell adapts Arthur Conan Doyles short story, Lot No. 249. A graduate student named Bellingham played by Steve Buscemi has been cheated by two classmates, Susan Julianne Moore, and Lee Robert Sedgwick, who framed him for theft to ruin his chances of winning a scholarship for which they were competing. As revenge, Bellingham reanimates a mummy and uses it to murder them both. Susans brother Andy Christian Slater kidnaps Bellingham, and burns the parchment and mummy. He considers killing Bellingham, but in the end cannot bring himself to commit real murder. However, Bellingham brings Susan and Lee back from the dead having switched the reanimation parchment with a similar one and dispatches them to Andys dorm, where they greet the terrified Andy by saying that Bellingham sends his regards. ........

Source: Wikipedia